You can customize all forms on Grispi according to your own processes and create the necessary filters.
To create a filter;
1. Go to the Settings page, select the Filters submenu on the left.

2. Click on the Add filter button.

3. Enter the title and description for the filter you want to add.
Select who the filter will be visible for. You can make the filter visible for all users, only for yourself, for certain users or groups.

4. Click on the Add condition button. You can choose which filters appear using the All or Any conditions. You can set your filters so that certain groups can see them.

4. In the Formatting Options field, you can choose which fields will appear when listing your filter. You can add the fields you want to be listed by clicking “Add Column”.
When exporting the filter, the fields selected in the Formatting options are exported. You can add up to 10 listing fields.
In the Order By field, you can choose how you want to sort the requests in the related filter.

6. Click Save to create the filter.