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What are the explanations for the ticket situations?

There are six values for status. The status of a ticket can be set and updated manually by an agent or automatically through your business rules.

New: The state used when a ticket is first created and has not yet been assigned to an agent. At this stage, the ticket has just entered the support system and is waiting for an agent to review it. The ticket receives this status immediately after being submitted by the customer and remains in this state until it is seen and handled by the support team. Once you have changed the status from New to another status, you cannot change it back to “New”.

  • Example: A customer creates a ticket stating that the shoes they purchased online came in the wrong size. When this ticket reaches the support team, it is automatically set to “New” status. An agent has not yet reviewed and acted on this ticket.

Open: This is when a request has been assigned to an agent and is being worked on. The agent takes the necessary steps to resolve the request, contacting the customer and trying to understand the problem stated in the request. In this state, the ticket is being actively handled and the resolution process is ongoing. Once a ticket status changes to Open, it can never go back to New.

  • Example: An agent from the support team receives the ticket in the new status and gets back to the customer about the wrong size. The agent asks the customer for a photo of the wrong shoe and asks what the correct size is. At this time, the ticket is in “Open” status.

Pending: Used when the agent is waiting for additional information or action from the customer to resolve the request. In this case, the agent has reviewed the request and is waiting for the customer’s response for resolution. The customer needs to provide feedback or provide the requested information. The request is pending until this information is received.

  • Example: The agent sends an email to the customer requesting a photo of the wrong shoes and the correct size. The request remains in “Pending” status until the customer provides this information. The agent can deal with other requests while waiting for the customer’s response.

On hold: Means that the ticket is awaiting resolution from a third party that is not a member of your support staff and does not have an agent account. In this case, the agent is not waiting for a response from the customer, but is waiting for the intervention of a third-party department or person for resolution. The ticket remains in the ” On Hold” state while waiting for this additional support to be provided, which is necessary for resolution.

  • Example: A customer wants to exchange a pair of shoes with the wrong size. The agent is waiting for the response of the supply company for the exchange. In this case, the request is placed in ” On Hold” status. The agent will inform the customer when they receive information and approval from the supply company.

Solved: This is when the agent states that they have successfully resolved the ticket and the customer’s issue has been resolved. In this case, the ticket has reached the final stage before it is closed. The customer can confirm the resolution of the ticket or reopen it if necessary. At this stage, the ticket is often completed with additional steps, such as a customer satisfaction survey.

  • Example: Based on information from the procurement team, the agent informs the customer that new shoes have been sent. She provides the shipping information for the return of the wrong numbered shoe. When the customer receives the shoe and confirms that it is the correct size, the request is set to “Solved” status. Customer satisfaction is achieved and the problem is solved.

Closed: Means that the ticket is completed and cannot be reopened. However, requesters can create follow-up requests for closed tickets. The status of a ticket cannot be manually changed to Closed. Closing a ticket is done automatically through your business rules.

Updated on December 5, 2024

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