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How to Send Bulk Messages with Whatsapp from Connexease Panel?

You can send predefined and pre-approved draft messages when initiating interactions with your customers.

To send a draft message, navigate to the ‘Draft Message’ page on the left side of the Connexease inbox screen, where you can view a list of your previously sent bulk messages. At this point, you can click the ‘Create New’ button in the upper right corner to compose a new message.

Single/Multiple Recipients

On the sending screen, you can select ‘Single Recipient’ if you are sending a message to one person or ‘Multiple Recipients’ if you are sending it to more than one person.

If you are sending a message to a single recipient, enter their country code, phone number, and name in the ‘Customer Information’ field to save it in the panel. If the customer’s name is unknown, you can leave this field blank.

In order to make your submission, you must first do the following:

  • Select the WhatsApp channel you want to use for sending the message.
  • Select the draft message you want to send.
  • Select the agent group to which you want to assign the message. If ‘Everyone’ is the only available option, simply select it to proceed.
  • Choose the action options that best suit your needs.
    – Assign to Me and Move to Archive: The user who sends the message assigns the subsequent conversation to themselves and can view it in the inbox.
    – Unassign and Archive: The conversation remains unassigned and can only be viewed in the archive. When the customer responds to the message, a new conversation is created in the inbox.
  • If your draft message includes an image, video, document, or location, you must select these attachments before sending.
  • If your message contains variables, additional fields such as ‘Param 1’ and ‘Param 2’ will appear when editing. You can give different values to variables by filling in these fields.

Uploading customer list for multiple shipments

If you are sending messages to multiple recipients, you must prepare a list of customer phone numbers. You can upload this list by clicking the ‘Upload CSV File’ button, which becomes active after completing all required selections on the left panel. Or you can select all cells from the existing table, copy and paste them into your Connexease screen.

If your draft message contains variables, additional columns will appear next to the phone number column, allowing you to specify replacement values for each variable.

In the example above, there is one variable in the message content. Variables appear in message previews as numbers between {{}} symbols. Below you can see the list of customers you will need to fill in when a draft message like this is selected for sending. For each line you can enter a phone number and the values in the message content to be sent to that phone number.

Updated on March 13, 2025

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