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  2. Integrations
  3. Connexease Account Setup Stages

Connexease Account Setup Stages

  • First of all, you must have a live website. Company legal in the footer section of your site (at the bottom)
    name must be written.
  • You need to have a Facebook Business Manager account and all the information there is linked to your website.
    must be filled to match. As you can see in the example below.
  • Then again from Facebook Business Manager in Settings/Contacts
    You need to give Admin (Admin) Authorization to [email protected] . Installation
    then you can remove the authorization.
  • WhatsApp phone number and WhatsApp name, and contact details of the authorized person
    you are welcome.
  • WhatsApp account (not the app) must be deleted from the phone during the integration process
    Facebook will then send you a 6-digit code in English. This code tells us
    your WhatsApp line will be activated within 10 minutes and you will receive all messages
    you will be able to reply from our panel. In this process, we need to communicate with whoever is on the line.
    as it will be necessary, we kindly ask you to provide contact information.
Updated on December 4, 2024

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